the current position of the iss and its ground track.
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the grey part represents the part of the orbit when the satellite is not sunlit, thus not visible, whilst the green part represents the part of the orbit when the satellite is sunlit, therefore visible, and this is where you can finally spot the iss. if you want to know the iss position at a different time, you can change the program time
track the location of the international space station in realtime. see the plotted paths of past, present and future orbits all from a single page.
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the international space station with esa’s columbus laboratory flies km high at speeds that defy gravity literally. at km/h it only takes minutes for the weightless laboratory to make a complete circuit of earth. astronauts working and living on the station experience sunrises and sunsets each day.
sur cette page, vous pouvez voir en temps réel la position de la station spatiale internationale (iss) au dessus de la terre. attention: ce site est en cours de mise à jour. pour afficher la carte, cliquez sur l’îcone située en haut à droite de l’écran. cliquez ensuite sur “charger les scripts”. cliquez ici pour afficher la carte de
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enter your location and find out when the iss will be passing over you next.
l’esa propose de pouvoir suivre en la position de l’iss en direct sur deux cartes interactives. la nasa propose spot the station pour connaître les passages.
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the space station can be seen from over , locations worldwide. enter your location to find out when the space station will be flying overhead. country. select country, united states, afghanistan, albania, algeria, angola, antigua, argentina, aruba, australia, austria, bahamas, bahrain, bangladesh, barbados, belarus
la fenêtre cidessus vous indique en temps réel où se trouve la station spatiale internationale (ou iss pour international space station). totalisant actuellement un peu plus de tonnes orbitant à environ km d’altitude à la vitesse de km/h, l’iss est la plus grande structure jamais assemblée dans l’espace.
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satellite predictions and other astronomical data customised for your location.
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