thumbs.db est un fichier caché créé par l’explorateur windows du système d’exploitation microsoft windows nt à partir de sa version . (windows xp). le nom de ce fichier est une abréviation de thumbnails, mot anglais signifiant miniature ou vignette. l’extension db est l’abréviation de database, c’estàdire base de
si vous utilisez windows depuis un moment, vous vous êtes à coup sûr déjà retrouvé devant de nombreux fichiers étranges nommés thumbs.db, mais vous ne savez pas à quoi ça sert ? estce un virus ? peuton les supprimer sans endommager windows ? en tout cas, ça prend beaucoup de place et on
windows loves to create thumbs.db files, but they can cause problems, especially on a network. here’s what you can do about them.
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les fichiers thumbs dangereux, des fichiers sensibles. ce ne sont que des apperçus mis en base de donnés pour accelerer le traitement des répertoires pour l’affichege cherchez un peu, voila un article qui traite de ce problème : siteduzero/tutorielsupprimerlesthumbsdb.
got thumbs.db in windows explorer? here’s what they are and what you can safely do with them. i spend a good amount of time in windows explorer doing various tasks. every now and then i run across a file i’m not familiar with and i’m not sure what to do with. thumbs.db is a good example, it has an odd extension: .db.
“thumbs.db” files appear in various places at times. where do they come from, and is there any reason not to delete them, and any way to stop them from being created?
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we’re having a minor problem with windows . the majority of the time we try to delete a folder full of jpg’s, we get an error saying it can’t be deleted because thumbs.db is in use. the user isn’t going into the folder itself, so i assume that the machines are trying to make a thumbs.db to be used by the folder
information about the windows thumbs.db file in folders.
although you can safely delete any thumbs.db file, windows will automatically recreate it unless the option to create thumbs.db files is disabled. the following sections detail how to stop thumb.db files from being generated in different versions of windows. select your version from the menu below and
apologies for the geeky article, but it solves a problem experienced by many web developers who use windows as their primary os. thumbs.db is an image cache which makes thumbnail viewing faster. the file is automatically created in windows vista, and whenever images are encountered in a
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