les pléiades, ou amas m, sont un amas ouvert d’étoiles qui s’observe depuis les deux hémisphères, dans la constellation du taureau. il existe un débat concernant l’exactitude de la distance de l’amas à la terre. cette distance, selon les différents instruments techniques utilisés, pourrait être estimée à environ
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the pleiades are an open star cluster containing middleaged, hot btype stars located in the constellation of taurus. it is among the nearest star clusters to earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. the cluster is dominated by hot blue and luminous stars that have formed within the last
november’s often called the month of the pleiades, because it’s when this star cluster aka the seven sisters shines from dusk until dawn.
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to most people,, the pleiades cluster looks like a tiny misty dipper of six little stars. yet the pleiades is sometimes called the seven sisters. why? the pleiades star cluster is one of the most noticeable of all star patterns. to most people’s unaided eyes, the cluster looks like a tiny misty dipper of six little stars.
the pleiades star cluster, also known as the seven sisters and messier , is a conspicuous object in the night sky with a prominent place in ancient mythology. the cluster contains hundreds of stars, of which only a handful are commonly visible to the unaided eye. the stars in the pleiades are thought to have formed
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the pleiades, also known as the seven sisters or messier , is a famous open star cluster located in taurus constellation. the brightest stars in the cluster represent the pleiades, the seven sisters in greek mythology, and their parents, the nymph pleione and the titan atlas. messier is one of the
l’amas des pléiades, ou m, est un groupe d’environ . étoiles appartenant à la constellation du taureau et situé à environ annéeslumière de la terre. l’âge de l’amas est estimé à millions d’années environ. son nom vient de la mythologie grecque, les pléiades étant les sept filles d’atlas et pléioné.
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on peut aussi entendre par atlas, quelque constellation circumpolaire, telle que le bootes (le bouvier), qui a sa tête près de l’axe du monde et qui semble porter le ciel. son coucher fait lever le taureau (hyginus), sur lequel sont placées les pléiades. atlas etoit un des fils du ciel pléïades, ou d’ouranos et de clymène, fille
how to find the pleiades star cluster. the pleiades or seven sisters form a beautiful star cluster near the constellation taurus. this is one of the nearest star clusters to earth and perhaps the most beautiful to the naked eye. over the
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